group of primary school students with First Nations face make-up waiting to perform their indigenous dance in concert.
decorative design of brightly coloured shapes and music symbols

Fundraise with us

Whether it’s a live performance, karaoke night, art exhibition or workplace event, we can support your idea. By raising funds and awareness, you’re helping children create a better future.

We have everything you need to set you up for a great fundraising activity.

Choose your own fundraising activity or get inspired by ideas in our community fundraising tool kit below. Don’t forget to complete the Authority to Fundraise Application form. Once your event is approved, you’re set to go!

Plus, you can set up your own fundraising page through Shout for Good. Upload images, videos and messages while you collect donations and messages of support from your family and friends.

Get in touch

Contact our team for kits, branding, and all the advice you need.

Contact Us
primary school students enjoying outdoor arts learning movement class with their teacher