six primary school students engaged in an indigenous arts learning music lesson in didgeridoo
decorative design with music and bright coloured shapes with text connect and engage

First Nations Programs

Local First Nations artists lead students and their school communities in shared arts experiences to learn about and value the richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, cultures and histories.

Enquire about The Song Room in your school

The Song Room offers its Deadly Arts First Nations programs for schools designed to engage and educate Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, through weekly classes and community initiatives. Co-designed and led by First Nations elders and artists, these programs support schools to develop authentic relationships with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members and provide teachers with opportunities to develop culturally responsive teaching practices.

Place-based by design, these programs explore intercultural skills and encourage understanding, belonging and cultural pride. Students and their school communities reflect on identity and culture to build resilience, respect and empathy.

class of primary school students learning about indigenous culture through arts learning dance lesson

North Parmelia Primary School, WA