Yes! The Song Room supports a Voice to Parliament
Yes! The Song Room supports a Voice to Parliament
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have extended a generous invitation to walk together towards a more positive future in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The Song Room warmly accepts this invitation.
We are built on a philosophy of equity and inclusion. As a national arts education organisation, The Song Room provides opportunities for all young people to thrive through participation in the arts and culture. Our work is enriched by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and colleagues who proudly lead our Deadly Arts programs, sharing the knowledge and history of the oldest continuing living culture in the world with primary school students and their teachers. Through our work in schools we witness the power of collaboration and creativity to inspire new ways of seeing and being. We see the power of lifting up voices and working together in a shared vision. When empowered, we see young people flourish and communities transform.
On Saturday 14 October 2023, we are invited to share a vision to build a better future. We say YES to amending the Constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by establishing a Voice to Parliament.
We understand that to live in a truly prosperous society we must address social and educational inequities. In fact, we believe that by doing so, everyone prospers. We want to live in a country where a quality education is accessible for all, and as a for-purpose, politically neutral organisation, we support a new way of understanding the social and economic issues experienced by First Nation people through a Voice to Parliament.
We acknowledge and respect the diversity of views on the referendum proposal, and have considered these in consultation with our team, peers and colleagues to come to a position that represents The Song Room. The days leading up to the vote will be challenging for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Let’s walk toward 14 October with compassion and kindness.
If you’re unsure about your own position, we recommend these resources for more information:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice: Australian Government’s official website on the proposed amendment to establish the Voice.
Uluru Statement from the Heart and Voice FAQs from the Uluru Dialogue, a collective including the architects of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, academics and lawyers based at the University of New South Wales.
Ten questions about the Voice to Parliament – answered by the experts: Gabrielle Appleby, Professor, UNSW Law School, UNSW Sydney; Geoffrey Lindell, Adjunct Professor in Law, University of Adelaide, and Hannah McGlade, Associate professor, Curtin University.