Woonyoomboo: The Night Heron – new online resource launched on ARTS:LIVE

Woonyoomboo: The Night Heron – new online resource launched on ARTS:LIVE

In recognition of Indigenous Literacy Day, The Song Room and SharingStories have partnered to launch a new resource on ARTS:LIVE. Woonyoomboo: The Night Heron was created in consultation with Nyikina senior custodians, young people and community members of Western Australia’s Kimberley region.

Characters from Woonyoomboo: The Night Heron created by Indigenous primary school student from the Nyikina community

Woonyoomboo: The Night Heron is a dreaming story from the Nyikina community. It follows the journey of their Creation Ancestor Woonyoomboo, a “mapping man” who created and named Nyikina Country. Then, left Walangarri (songlines) that teach people about the places and plants, sacred sites, caring for Country and the lore. The resources include a vibrant, animated video following the story of Woonyoomboo’s journey.

This course provides an opportunity for students to learn about the culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. And discover how history is held and passed down through intricate song, dance, art and stories of the Bookarrikaara (Dreamtime).

Teachers can access the story of the Nyikina People’s Creation Ancestor Woonyoomboo through all areas of the Arts – Music, Dance, Drama, Media Arts and Visual Arts.

Characters from Woonyoomboo: The Night Heron created by First Nations primary school student from the Nyikina community

This new ARTS:LIVE resource is filled with lessons, videos, activity sheets, as well as extension ideas, which can be used in the classroom or shared with students learning remotely.

Cross-curriculum priorities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures and Sustainability, are addressed authentically. General Capabilities are also embedded throughout the course.

Detailed classroom teaching protocols are included for teachers, allowing you to bring First Nations learning into your classroom.

This is just one of the many courses available on ARTS:LIVE – Register today


You can also read about how The Song Room can help bring Deadly Arts First Nations programs into your school.