Music to our ears! New election promise validates arts learning.
Music to our ears! New election promise validates arts learning.
The Australian Labor Party has announced a 2019 election promise that would see The Song Room receive $4,980,000 to support Arts Learning across the country.

This incredible opportunity will enable The Song Room to build the capacity, capability and confidence of generalist teachers and deliver sustainable, impactful and scalable outcomes in primary schools in regional and metropolitan areas of every state and territory in Australia.
“I am thrilled with today’s announcement. An investment of close to $5M is further validation of the strength of The Song Room’s approach to arts learning. It will enable us to build the skills of generalist teachers, and provide young people from disadvantaged backgrounds across the country with a more level learning playing field.”
– Simon Gipson, The Song Room Chief Executive Officer.
This investment will allow young people to become more involved in school life and their education though participation in music, dance, performing, media and visual arts. It will enable schools to make transformational shifts in their school culture through arts activities which are inclusive of the whole school community – students, teachers, parents and carers alike.
The Song Room’s programs increase academic results in maths and literacy, increase school attendance and provide wide reaching social emotional benefits. The announcement, which took place at Pender’s Grove Primary School in Thornbury, Melbourne in the Cooper Electorate, promised support to deliver:
- Deliver Arts Learning programs in 32 schools in every State and Territory in Australia over 3 years
- Improve learning outcomes for 12,000 Australian children experiencing disadvantage
- Provide opportunities for over 2,500 parents to play a more significant role in their children’s school and learning
- Build the capability of over 575 teachers to incorporate arts learning into the classroom

The Song Room can boast bi-partisan support as we edge closer to the Federal election. This is an enviable position, one which places The Song Room alongside leading organisations in the provision of programs which aim to close the education equity gap in Australia.
“It is deeply satisfying to receive this promise of support for The Song Room in the lead up to the election. This support will enable The Song Room to further extend its commitment to build the capacity of schools in disadvantaged communities to deliver high quality education.”
– Anthony Mackay AM, Song Room Chair.
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