Give more than a gift this festive season. Give confidence, connection and opportunity! Donate today.

Give more than a gift this festive season. Give confidence, connection and opportunity! Donate today.

Arts learning gives young people confidence, connection and opportunity. This festive season you can too. Donate today to improve children’s wellbeing and education opportunities.

“I get a little bit scared and nervous, but when I do Song Room I feel brave.”
– Lola.

Give the gift of arts learning and provide vulnerable students like Lola with the opportunity to improve their wellbeing and confidence at school. By contributing to an evidence-based, arts learning program you will be addressing critical wellbeing, social and educational equity challenges. Every child deserves the right to become a lifelong learner. Please donate today.

Your gift today of $50 toward a Song Room arts learning program will help children to thrive in school and in life.

In 2024, many children will miss out on a quality arts education. Three in four schools do not have specialist music teachers. Students experiencing disadvantage will not have the same opportunity as their peers to address the growing levels of depression, anxiety and mental health issues experienced by young people today.


Improve student wellbeing

Over 75% of mental health problems occur before the age of 25.1

Independent  research has shown Song Room programs reduce students’ depression and anxiety, and enhances self-esteem.



Create connected  communities

A lack of connection and inclusion can impact both health and academic outcomes.3

The Arts creates opportunities for parents, students and staff to find a sense of belonging at school.



Increase educational equity

Children experiencing disadvantage are less likely to perform well academically.4

Arts learning increases students’ motivation to attend school, raising numeracy and literacy levels.2  


This season give more than a gift. Give confidence, connection and opportunity to a child who needs your support!

Please help address critical wellbeing, social and educational equity challenges by donating to The Song Room today.


please donate today


  1. Kessler, RD et al. (2005). Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62: p. 593-602. Cited
  2. Vaughan, T., Caldwell, B., (2011), Bridging the Gap in School Achievement through the Arts, Educational Transformations.
  3. AITSL (2022). Wellbeing in Australian Schools, March 2022.
  4. Lamb, S., Huo, S., Walstab, A., Wade, A., Maire, Q., Doecke, E., Jackson, J. & Endekov, Z (2020), Educational opportunity in Australia 2020: who succeeds and who misses out, Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University, for the Mitchell Institute, Melbourne: Mitchell Institute.

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