
The Song Room joins the Positive Start in 2022 Initiative

The Song Room joins the Positive Start in 2022 Initiative

We are thrilled to announce that The Song Room will join leading sporting and cultural organisations to partner in the Positive Start in 2022 Initiative. The initiative, funded by The Victorian Government, is designed to give Victorian children the best possible start to 2022 by supporting their physical and emotional health.

two smiling primary school students with outstretched arms are enjoying an arts learning concert performance
Fitzroy Primary School, Victoria

Pandemic impact

Over the last two years the pandemic has had a significant impact on students learning and wellbeing. Students have missed many activities that are an important part of their whole education This initiative aims to make up for the disruption by helping them to rebuild their connections with friends, teachers and communities.

The Victorian Government is investing $112.9 million in the Positive Start in 2022 initiative to help students bounce back into the world and experience the richness of Victorian life and culture.

Not only will students get more opportunities to visit museums, zoos, art galleries and take part in sporting programs and extra swimming lessons they can take part in music, visual arts, and drama workshops. The Song Room joins AFL, Melbourne Zoo, Netball Australia, Basketball Australia and the National Gallery of Victoria in this initiative.


Arts-based Social and Emotional Learning programs

The Song Room is excited to partner with the Department of Education and Training to deliver our Arts-based Social and Emotional Learning programs to Victorian students as part of the Positive Start in 2022 initiative. The programs will start in Victorian Primary schools in Semester 1 next year to encourage and build socialisation, connection and resilience. The programs aim to support students’  development, boost motivation and build confidence.

This support will see us expand to over 180 primary schools in Victoria in 2022. The program will also provide vital employment for specialist Teaching Artists at a time of recovery for the arts sector.

For more information on the Positive Start in 2022 initiative, please visit Positive Start or email:
